Slow Fashion - How to revamp your closet to a more sustainable one
What does slow fashion actually mean?
Slow fashion describes a concept in which consumers and producers of textiles pay great attention to the environmentally friendly use of ecological and social resources. It is the opposite to fast fashion, which often accepts the exploitation of people and nature for the sake of a fast-paced consumption of textiles.
Slow fashion describes an attitude that advocates the conscious use of resources along the entire textile value chain. For those who consume sustainable fashion, the use of environmentally friendly materials is just as important as the lowest possible carbon dioxide emissions in the production and supply chain. Fair production and working conditions are a must. Therefore it can make sense to look for eco-fashion made in Europe. There are a number of approved seals of quality, such as the GOTS certification, which can help identify a fair fashion product. Pay attention to these seals the next time you go shopping. Usually, you can find information about seals of quality on the website of the various fashion brands.
Slow fashion is multidimensional
Slow fashion does not necessarily mean to only support ethical and sustainable fashion labels. It describes the entity of consumer decisions and actions. Supporting green fashion labels is just the tip of the iceberg.
Nobody transforms into a slow fashion prime example overnight - and that shouldn't be the aim. Be patient with yourself and others. A sustainable wardrobe and household don´t develop overnight. Disposing all fast fashion items from your closet in one go does not help you nor the environment. You are a slow fashionista already if you wear a garment for a long period of time. Treat it with respect and make an effort to repair missing buttons and small holes, upcyle, resell or pass along.
If you are looking for a new garment, rummage through a second-hand shop nearby or invest in the longevity and high quality of a new product rather then investing in cheap garments that might unravel after one or two wears. If you're unsure whether you like something or not, sleep on it. You don´t have to decide right away. Take your time. Sustainability is a process and whenever you make a mindful choice, you are contributing to a greener future.
Slow fashion is trendy
The claim that slow fashion looks "eco" and not fashionable is outdated. There are more and more sustainable fashion brands whose textiles are just as stylish as fast fashion products, but more durable and fairly produced.
BEARTH is the best example of how a transparent, green value chain and fashion standards can coexist. On the website you will not only find a variety of fashion basics, but also cool styling inspiration.
Click here to take a look at the shop.
Slow fashion has its price
Anyone who says slow fashion is expensive is not entirely wrong. Yes, a sustainably produced organic cotton t-shirt is more expensive than your average fast-fashion t-shirt. But if you buy cheap products, you often buy twice. Paying a lower price also means accepting lower textile quality, low wages for workers, poor working conditions and a negative impact on the environment.
Ultimately, the price is put into perspective, because anyone who invests in durable, high-quality textiles needs to buy less often. Deciding on a slow fashion product always means choosing a wide range of options. If you urgently need new clothes but don't have enough money to buy from an ethically sustainable fashion label, you might find a suitable item in second-hand shops, at flea markets or clothing swap parties.
Author: Lea Marie