Welcome to our sustainability and lifestyle blog. Find suggestions on how you can make your consumer behavior more environmentally friendly. How can I improve my ecological footprint with regard to a more sustainable lifestyle? We have compiled tips and ideas for you that go beyond the topic of slow fashion.

BEARTH Organic Fashion mit Pop-up im Herzen Berlins

BEARTH Organic Fashion mit Pop-up im Herzen Berlins

Inmitten der pulsierenden Metropole Berlin startete am 16. Mai der Slow Fashion Anbieter BEARTH Clothing als Partner einer exklusiven Pop-up-Fläche. Für die kommenden acht Wochen präsentiert BEARTH gemeinsam mit zahlreichen...
May 21, 2024


Immer mehr VerbraucherInnen sind auf der Suche nach Möglichkeiten, ihren Kleiderschrank nachhaltiger und verantwortungsbewusster zu gestalten. Weniger und bewusster einkaufen wird zur Priorität. Viele sehnen sich dennoch nach mehr Individualität,...
September 09, 2023
Ein Regenbogen für den Pride Month

A Rainbow for Pride Month

- how sustainability and rainbows belong together - A rainbow is a symbol for harmony, for holism and nature conservation, for hope. It symbolizes connection and a bridge between today...
June 18, 2023
World Oceans Day

World Oceans Day

Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro on June 8, 1992, the UN World Oceans Day has been celebrated annually on this day. Activists,...
June 05, 2023
EARTH DAY 2023 – 22 Tipps für mehr Nachhaltigkeit in deinem Alltag

EARTH DAY 2023 – 22 tips for more sustainability in your everyday life

On April 22nd is EARTH DAY! Earth Day is an opportunity for all of us to question our ecological actions and initiate changes. Since it was first celebrated in the...
April 17, 2023
Capsule Wardrobe

Capsule Wardrobe

What exactly is a capsule wardrobe?The capsule wardrobe concept emerged from the spirit of minimalism and was first brought to life by Susie Faux in her London boutique in 1970....
March 07, 2023
Nachhaltig Ostern feiern

Celebrate Easter sustainably

Easter is just around the corner. You may be wondering, “How do Easter traditions and sustainability go together? How can I celebrate Easter in a more environmentally friendly manner? What...
March 01, 2023
Nachhaltigkeit im Alltag | How To: Textilien waschen und pflegen

Sustainability in everyday life | How To: Washing and care of textiles

Would you like to know how to properly wash and care your BEARTH garments so that the colours stay bright and your fashion item looks as good as new even...
January 31, 2023
Fashion Waste Index

Fashion Waste Index

In recent years, the proportion of textile waste has increased significantly. More and more items of clothing are being thrown away even though they are still in good condition. One...
January 29, 2023
Slow Fashion – So wird dein Kleidungskonsum nachhaltig

Slow Fashion - How to revamp your closet to a more sustainable one

What does slow fashion actually mean? Slow fashion describes a concept in which consumers and producers of textiles pay great attention to the environmentally friendly use of ecological and social...
December 09, 2022
Nachhaltige Geschenke für jeden Geldbeutel

Sustainable gifts for every budget

Christmas is just around the corner and the search for the right gift for friends, family and partners begins. Sustainability and conscious consumption are increasingly coming into focus. At the...
November 29, 2022